Case Studies
Our products are directed at solving the most critical aspects of improving water quality and improving those that present the greatest challenges. The strength of the BOC technology is its ability to contribute unique solutions to enhancing the underlying biological and chemical processes that are universal to nearly all industrial cleaning, petroleum hydrocarbon remediation, water treatment and purification systems worldwide. Read our case studies to see how cities and companies have benefited from the value of Bio-Organic Catalyst solutions.
Conferences & General Overviews
- 14th Annual European Biosolids and Organic Resources Conference and Exhibition
- 13th Annual EPA New England Pretreatment Coordinators
- Agriculture Case Study – Salad Cucumber
- Verification of agronomic effects of Phyto-C3™ products on an outdoor horticultural crop as well as on the irrigation system
- Effect on Germination and Growing of Rice Seed
- Reducing Lettuce Harvest Time by 20% Using Phyto-C3™
- Summary of Observations using Phyto-C3 By: S. Kaan Kurtural, Ph.D – UC Davis
- Maintaining and Operating Resource Efficient Irrigation Systems for Vineyards
- Evaluation of Phyto-C3™ Maize
- Greenhouse Application in the Production of Habanero Chili Peppers
- Phyto-C3™ Observations with Olive Trees
- Improved Dissolved Oxygen and Root Growth from Phyto-C3™ Treatment
- Applications of Phyto-C3™ for Growing Flowers in Ukraine
- The influence of Phyto-C3™ on Growth, Development, and Productivity of soy and Vegetable Crops
- Tomato Master Case Study Report
- Increasing Yields of crops without using Fertilizers and Pesticides
- Use of Bio-Organic Catalyst Phyto-C3™ Treatment of Agricultural, Moscow Region
- BioCycle Conference 2013
- Auburn University: Evaluation of Bio-Organic Catalyst in Channel Catfish Ponds
- Biocatalizador Organico BOC en Piscicultura
Anaerobic Digestion
- Southern UK Biogas Site Case Study
- BOC Dissolves Lipoprotein (Eps) Concentration In A Digester Reducing Viscosity, Case Study
- Report on the effect of BOC treatment in a 50k tonne foodwaste and swine slurry AD plant
- Biogas Production Report
- Interim Analysis of Eco-CatTM dosing on the Willen Biogas at Cattlegate, Enfield
- Nutrient Reduction in Swine Waste Using: Bio-Organic Catalyst Technology and Low-Power Aeration
- Analysis of Eco-CatTM dosing on the Biogas Plant Georgsmarienhuette/Osnabrueck
- Anaerobic Digester Optimization with Bio-Organic Catalyst
Bio-Catalytic Cleaning
- Advanced Bio-Catalytic Cleaning with Bio-Organic Catalyst
- Republic Services-Transfer Station, Facility Clean up with Eco-Cat CleanTM
Composting, Odor Control & Animal Care
- Sewage Treatment Plant, Odor Control
- H2S Reduction, Pumping Station and Inlet
- Case Study, Odor Neutralization Test Results
- Successful Cases with Catalyst and Polymers in the Country of Colombia
- Successful Cases with Bio-Organic Catalyst in the Country of Colombia
- Odor Control using Organic Biocatalysts in Sanitary Landfill
- Examples of BOC VOC Odor Control Programs
- Use of Bio-Organic Catalyst Eco-CatTM for Odor Removal in Wastewater Treatment Sludge
- Use of Bio-Organic Catalyst EcoSystem Plus® Treatment, Moscow Region
- Examples Of Eccomate® Odor Elimination Systems For Garbage
- Odor Control in Composting – Spanish
- Elimination Of Odors And Process Improvements In A Creamery Plant
- Elimination Of Odors And Process Improvements In A Creamery Plant – Spanish
- Presentation: Final Disposal and Organic Biofertilizer Production from Poultry Residues – English
- Presentation: Final Disposal and Organic Biofertilizer Production from Poultry Residues – Spanish
Cooling Towers
- Prevent Biofilms in Cooling Towers – Facilities Engineering Journal
- Cooling Towers Aquatech Presentation
- Video Presentation from Mike Platt in Amsterdam on BOC in Cooling Towers
Ecological Restoration
Hydrocarbon Cleaning/Remediation
- Bioremediation Presentation
- Research Article: Effectiveness of a bio-catalytic agent used in the bioremediation of crude oil-polluted seawater
- Biocatalizadores en Rellenos Sanitario – Spanish
- Caso Exitoso Biocatalizador Nontox – Spanish
Paper and Pulp
Wastewater Treatment & Collection Systems
- BOC Field Test, Wastewater Redacted Small UK WTP
- Energy, Nutrient and Sludge Reduction Using BOC
- Dissolved Oxygen Increase, Sewage Water
- Ammonia Nitrogen Reduction, Sewage Treatment Plant
- Sludge Reduction in Sewage using Microbial Catalysts
- Pilot Test of EcoSystem Plus®
- Emergency Sewer Northern Cartagena
- Odor Control Misting System, MoPHo Restaurant
- Reduction Excess Sewage Surcharges: FOG’s (Fats,Oils,Grease) & TSS In A Large N.E. Bio-Processing Facility
- BOC Treatment Of FOG’s In Secondary Clarifier Influent Channel B With EcoCatalyst, Deer Island WWTP
- Foxborough Stadium Complex H2S Odor Control/FOG Reduction Program
- Bio-Organic Catalyst Sewer Odor Control
- BOC Springs EcoSystem Plus® Trial
- BOC Odor Reduction Program For Kiewit Infrastructure West-Installation
- Collection System Treatment with Bio-Organic Catalyst
- EPA New England 14th Annual Pretreatment Workshop
- BOC Canada St. Mary’s summary
- Balboa Island/Little Island Pump Station
- BOC Hydrogen Sulfide Odor Control Reduction Program
- Sewerage Treatment Application: Sky Court, Al Ain Road
Water Clarification