Odor Neutralization Test Results, Case Study
In April 2021, a Chinese government laboratory tested Eco-Cat™ for odor control, to measure reduction in hydrogen sulfide (H2S) and ammonia (NH3).
Location: The Institute of Analysis, Guangdong Academy of Sciences (China National Analytical Center, Guangzhou).
Method of Testing: At room temperature (20C) and normal pressure (1 standard atmospheric pressure), 15L hydrogen sulfde gas with a concentration of 0.15mg/m3, and a flow rate of 1L /min dose through a large bubble absorption tube with 10ml deodorant and non-circulated, the treated gas will be collected and the concentration of hydrogen sulfide will be analyzed. Testing was made on two sample dilution rates: 1:500 and 1:1000.
- 1: 500 dilution: Odor neutralization % efficiency: ammonia: 86.2%, hydrogen sulfde: 87.3%
- 1:1000 dilution: Odor neutralization % efficiency: ammonia: 86.7%, hydrogen sulfde: 88.8%
Conclusion: These results are quite impressive in non-circulated chambers. In actual operations, results are even better as the natural circulation increases Eco-Cat’s™ ability to neutralize the noxious gases. Eco-Cat™ demonstrates substantially improved performance over conventional deodorants and essential oils, at a lower price.
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