Bio-Catalytic Cleaning, Advanced Bio-Catalytic Solutions Bio-Organic Catalyst, Inc.’s biocatalysts (BOCs)…
NONTOX, the Ultimate Surface Washing Agent for Soils, Hard Surfaces, Marine & Environmental Clean-Up
NONTOX, the Ultimate Surface Washing Agent for Soils, Hard Surfaces, Marine & Environmental Clean-Up
Petroleum Hydrocarbon Remediation and Cleaning
NONTOX® is a biocatalytic system in a liquid concentrate form that stimulates and accelerates natural biological reactions. When combined with fresh or salt water and oxygen, the product will cause crude oil, jet fuel, diesel oil and other organic substances to rapidly decompose, eventually biodegrading them to carbon dioxide and water as end products.
Benefits Include:
- It is non-toxic and safe to humans, animals, marine life and plant life. It is 100% biodegradable.
- Works in concert with indigenous bacteria. No cultured or foreign bacteria are introduced into the ecosystem.
- Is nonflammable. It will reduce fire hazards by increasing flash points and auto ignition threshold points in substances such as gasoline or fuel oil.
- Eliminates obnoxious odors associated with crude oil, petroleum derivatives and other organic molecules that are proceeding through the natural decomposing process.
- Is fully compatible with most types of application equipment now in use. The product may be easily applied by hand or power sprayers, helicopter, airplane or floating equipment. Its application requires no special safety equipment.
Visit our NONTOX® webpage for more detailed information.