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Anaerobic Digestion – Optimizing Anaerobic Digestion Systems

BOC offers substantial improvement in anaerobic digestion, providing higher yields of bio-methane, improved sludge quality, reduction of total solids, and significant reduction of noxious sludge odors. BOC has shown, in municipal and industrial anaerobic digestion systems, that they act on the TVS and TS components, providing higher reduction rates over baseline values. BOC can increase bio-methane yields over 100%, with up to 30% reduction in total solids discharged. Sludge quality is enhanced due to more complete digestion and sludge odors will be greatly reduced, including odors in dewatering operations.


BOC accelerate the anaerobic digestion processes into more optimized conversion efficiency. Case studies show a much higher yield per pound, or kilo, of organic waste biogas, while clearing the internal accumulations that build up over time. BOC requires little capital equipment expenditure, as installations involve simple injection pumps, along with a reservoir of BOCs. Results become evident relatively quickly, as a faster release of high bio-methane value components of the waste material shifts the internal biomass within the anaerobic digester into the Methanogenesis phase, increasing the bio-methane yields and total consumption of volatile fatty acids.


Applications in municipal and food processing AD systems showed close correlations between higher TS and TVS conversion rates and higher bio-methane yields on a dry weight comparison, pointing towards an acceleration of the phased Methanogenesis cycle. This results in total overall enhancement of complete biomass vitality and microbiological population densities involved in the anaerobic processes required for optimal bio-methane yields and BTU values.


The combined total mass balance analysis shows improvements in obtaining optimal bio-methane yields, On a dry weight TVS basis, can run from 25% – 100% over comparable baselines. Additionally, the final biosolids quality and weight reductions (up to 25%), including substantial elimination of noxious biosolids odors, all indicate a more complete biological conversion of nutrient values.


Benefits Include:

  • Increase bio-methane yields
  • Allow more complete digestion of solids
  • Reduce volume of solids
  • Reduce odors from solids in dewatering operations
  • Improve quality of solids


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